It has been written before about angels and their nations. These angels are placed over nations. Some of these nations have been or are now empires and superpowers. Past examples include the Babylonian Empire and the Median Persian Empire. In our time it is the United States of America. In addition to political power, the nations and their angels are also responsible for the life force or energy that comes from God.
What is meant by life force?
The vital principle or the animating force in all living beings (Wikipedia). So the ability to live and exist.
According to Jewish scholars, it is about spiritual energy. It is an energy flow from God and is infinitely far beyond the universe. The spiritual energy gives life to everything there is. To the galaxies, the solar systems, the earth, every animal or bird, every leaf and every grain of sand. It keeps it all going. The spiritual energy flows from a higher level. This is the spiritual world.
In summary, Jewish scholars state that the universe is alive. We on earth can think that we have control over creation. However, it is God who controls and directs creation. He sets the limits as to how far man can go in this regard (
Spiritual realms and earthly realms and the influence of the angels of the nations
It is a mistake to view the spiritual realms in physical terms. The spiritual realms have no boundaries in the spirit world, like those of the realms in physical space on earth. Instead, the angels of the nations have different areas of the world over which they have influence at any given time. An example is a nation that gains power, becomes a world power and subjugates other nations. It means that the angel of the strong nation has been given power over the angels of the subjugated nations. His power extends into the earthly realm of the subject angels (, October 2024).
As in the past Babylon conquered Egypt and exercised political power in Egypt. The angel of Egypt became subordinate to the angel of Babylon (, October 2024). Later Babylon itself lost its power and became subject to the empire of the Medes and Persians (Bible book of Daniel). This principle continues to the present day. Currently, the United States of America is the strongest nation.
The life force of the angels of the nations
As indicated, God produces the life force to make existence on earth possible. The Divine life force of God is distributed among the nations. The nations receive a portion of the total life force through their angels. They are, as it were, a channel through which the life force flows in their earthly realm.
Political power and life force
What is difficult to understand is that God oversees and controls world history. As previously written, a nation becomes a world power to rule over other nations. Babylon conquered Egypt and the Egyptians were exiled. God had decided that it was the end of the Egyptian empire. Egypt remained deserted for 40 years. The ascendant angel of Babylon had taken over and took away the dominance of the (debased) angel of Egypt (, October 2024). Yet the angel of Egypt still continued to distribute life force to Egypt during that time.
God also used the Babylonian empire by punishing Israel for their sins.
The Babylonian empire was then conquered by the new Median Persian empire. The angel of Babylon (1) was subdued by the ascending angel of the Medean Persian Empire (, Isaiah 12-14 with Rashi commentary).
It is also possible that an ascending angel and the nation will not become an empire, but will dominate over a number of nations and their angels. Just as France under Napoleon dominated European countries.
In summary, it means that the dominant angel also dominates the earthly domain of the angels he dominates (, October 2024). Increasing or decreasing refers to exercising more or less power over a larger or smaller earthly domain. These earthly facts are basically a reflection of war in the heavenly realms (, October 2024).
When a nation no longer takes God's commandments (2) seriously, it weakens its angel. God punishes the angel first and then the nation (Isaiah 24:21). The nation and its angel then lose political power and vitality in the world. The reverse also applies. If a nation does take God's commandments seriously, it strengthens its angel. The nation is becoming increasingly powerful and has the potential to become a global empire (Chaim Luzzatto, The Way to God, translated by Arey Kaplan, 1996 and, October 2024). The nation calls upon itself God's blessing or judgment.
The purpose of this article is to provide some insight into what is happening in the heavenly places. Angels rise in this and gain more power over other angels and their nations. These nations and their angels are losing status. The angels also pass on life force to their nations. The entire life force is poured out by God. The angels receive a portion of this for their nation.
The previous text still requires many answers. Like could there be a connection between current climate changes and the life force of the angels? Are the many natural disasters a signal of this? For example, does current secularization play a role in this? Are the angels and their nations weakening because of this? And does it also have to do with the relationship that these countries have with Israel?
The Jewish people have undergone multiple exiles and persecutions. In our time, anti-Semitism is increasing in Europe. Genesis 12:3 states, “I will bless those who bless Israel, and the one who curses Israel I will curse; and all the nations of the earth will be blessed through Israel.”
This period is not yet available. This is evident from the following facts.
The International Criminal Court decides to arrest Israeli leaders (The Rights forum, November 2024). Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and former Defense Minister Gallant should be arrested on charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity in the Gaza Strip. The Netherlands will cooperate in this (, December 2024).
Amnesty International believes that Israel is guilty of genocide against the Palestinian population in the Gaza Strip. The human rights organization previously warned of the risk of genocide, but now says it has enough evidence that genocide is actually taking place. The question is how this will end.
We are now living in the Jewish year 5785. According to Jewish scholars, the Messiah must have come before the year 6000. What will his performance be like? We live in exciting times.
(1) How are you fallen from heaven, morning star? You are struck down to the ground, you who cast lots for the peoples. The lamentation over the heavenly prince of Babylon, who will fall from heaven (`Isaiah 1 ;12, Jewish Bible,
(2) These are the seven Noahide commandments, (The Bible. Genesis 2). They are:
1. Commandment to practice justice, to establish and maintain courts to be able to enforce the following prohibitions.
2. Prohibition to curse the Creator or to use His Name or to curse (anything of) the created.
3. Prohibition of idolatry (serving or worshiping creatures.
4. Prohibition to murder.
5. Prohibition of immorality such as incest.
6. Prohibition to steal or kidnap someone.
7. Prohibition of eating the meat of a still living animal.
The influence of the angels of the nations, dr. H. Dubbelman